Dec 1, 2009

Felt box with angel-design

A felted angel-box for hiding treasures.
Marbles from your childhood.

...lovely messages for someone each day before Christmas.
PS.: I organized an online felt workshop for this Advent season in german language. (I'm planning another one for Spring also in English.) Members get tutorials for 4 X-mas felt projects. The first one was felting an angel-box. If you would like to see some results, let me invite you to the workshop gallery.

Oct 24, 2009

The Wonder Forest

My secret Wonder Forest is in my heart and in my soul. A place where I can hide, where I go to find inspirations or just take a rest for a while.
I don't know if the different creatures living and growing there are children of my fantasy or if I find them already there.
Otherwise I think many people have forests like mine inside. How about wandering in the same big wood? Everyone of us? There I am at a favored subject of mine: the collective subconsious...The same ideas, pictures turning up at very different places of the world in surprising ways...(And I don't mean copying.)

Everyone and everything united in a wonderful, living, organic, always changing it it it as you want. Wonder World. Wonder Forest.
Nothing and nobody goes lost ever. Everything and everyone just changes and gets other forms of appearance.

Woods. Dim light. Tiny creatures dancing in the sunbeams. Buzzing. Green scent. Woodland strawberries. Waving fern. Moss beds. Chirping birds...
Forests are temples of God.
But he also likes to spend his time in tarns, deserts and on hill tops. We do not always like to sit in the living room as well...

Oct 6, 2009

Felt bag details

Some details of a new felt bag.

A felt bag with integrated wonder-forest...

The ready piece is comming soon. Till this you might think about your own wonder-forest. Where is it? How does it look like? What does it give to you?

I wish you a nice day!

Sep 26, 2009

Felted table set

Now afterward thanx for your comments!!! I'm alive, I'm quite fine, the fall is wonderful...I didn't want to make such a long blog pause, but somehow the last months did another way than I wanted to do go go me...though I felt much positive energy and now I'm ready to soap the wool strands again :o).

I habe finished a set for eating outside:

A big stone felted in and working as a napkin weight and his little brothers and sisters:

which weigh down the table cloth on every corner.

I must have look funny sitting with a lot of stones around and weighing them because I wanted the smaller ones to have the same weight. Not to tear the tablecloth on one end.
I wish you beautiful autumn days and the brown and dark green smell of this time with some coffe and apple pie on the terrace!

Jul 22, 2009

In Memoriam Doghair Felt

You may think I'm on a long holiday. But no.

I had been helping for a week at a move.

Then I fired my webdesigner who wasn't able to finish my website for more than a year. But at long last I found a professional one who does it now and I realized how many texts are written yet. That' s what I'm working on, in 3 languages, so I didn't really want to write in the blog too.

I think the cause now is only that at this time I1m not really interested in anything because of one of our dogs, Fáni.

She is a komondor, a hungarian breed.

She died suddenly the day before yesterday. It might have been rat poison. She could had fed a poisoned one which run through our garden. I don't think that someone else did it.

I took pictures of her some weeks before because I wanted to show what a fantastic natural felt cord coats she wears. This breed doesn't even need soapy water to felt it's hair...

Whether this occured hole in my universe could be tamped with felt?

(I should ask Captain Kirk...)

Jun 23, 2009

Filling clefts


Narrow, broad, deep, flat ones.

New and old ones.

In the heart. In the soul.


Open for deposits.



Seeds sprout.

New life.

Impatiently germinating.

Reckless to the old cracks.


of h o p e.

Filling gaps.

Lessening deepness.





Laughing out loudly.


high above.

New beginnings.


And again.

For those who need it.

Sleep well.

And let it grow.

May 18, 2009


A big thank you for my older readers who came and joined here and a big welcome for all new ones. If you are a new watcher of my felt world, you can look at older things in the felt blog I wrote before this one in 3 languages (but from now I separate the 3 languages, that's the english version):

As I see my profile must stay in 3 languages if I don't want to make different google accounts to each blog. I don't want.
In the coming week I show you what this curly thing above is...stay tuned!
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